How wonderful would we have energy to spare at a bargain price would the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the world would not be the same. But how to get energy without violating the laws of thermodynamics? Who could come up with a way win a Nobel Prize. Luckily there are scientists studying new methods, a strong contender for the clean energy future is nuclear fusion the only problem for the food of the gods is like and what technique, procedures and methods will be necessary to have energy gain. Reading the Popular Mechanic site of the technique to obtain the nuclear fusion that I found most interesting was the "Fusion Plasmas from Colliding in the Living-Room-Size Engine Surrounded by Magnets" down here I'll leave the design concept.

Basically it works this way in the form of hydrogen plasma that is at both ends are electrically charged and surrounded by high temperatures and strong magnetic field the plasma is accelerated and collides in the center of the equipment thus increasing the energy content, to reach nuclear fusion is a necessary Millions temperature of 100 degrees Celsius, but if we go back earlier in the post has a problem the blessed law of thermodynamics in this process there will be loss of energy, so let ratiocinate follows the best conbustion engine was created Stirling engine, it has an efficiency of 40% then these 100 million degrees celsius of the merger shall be at best about 240 million degrees Celsius, this with a very efficient machine for you to see how hard but still enjoyed this equipment will require some changes even if it is LOL recreational equipment at the center of where the plasma will collide I put a water tank (as it will collapse and blast away all the equipment that ignites the water right) and water is instantly vaporized and turned a turbine and thus creating a cyclical process.
Thus follows the humanity!
will it be future ?
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